Soon the War is Ending!



This book was inspired by the many servicemen in Viet Nam who wrote the Reapers’ Fellowship with questions….why is there war?….is it morally right to kill for my country?….how can I ever have peace in my heart again?

The book begins by detailing 2 presidential addresses meant to enlighten Americans as to what must be done in order to achieve world peace, a popular topic since there have been wars. Each talk went undelivered due to the unexpected deaths of the 2 presidents.

The author answers the servicemen’s questions from Scripture about war, killing, and world peace. This is done by examining several of the promises God makes to those who have received Christ into their hearts by believing what He did for them at Calvary.

“Soon” provides a challenge to every unsaved person in a most forceful way and includes a discussion of the “false gospels” of that time as well as today which mislead individuals about the true way of salvation.

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Cornelius VanderBreggen, Jr.


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