The author’s autobiography. He experiences the opulence and unimaginable wealth while visiting the Rothschild’s, Waddesdon Manor in England in 1971. During his tour, “I was overwhelmed by the realization that I myself was richer far than any Rothschild of whom I had ever heard…. I who lived from day to day along with a handful of close Christian missionary associates trusting an unseen Saviour for food, clothing and every earthly need!…I realized, as my thought processes continued in ensuing hours,, that I am the richest person of whom I have ever heard on the face of the earth.”
This is the second of 4 books (“ Soon the War is Ending”, “The Promise of His Coming “, “Just Before Dawn”) where Mr. Vanderbreggen includes the Scriptural truth about the nation of Israel past, present, and future in order to dispel the misunderstandings that are so prominent among Christians today.
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